• Innovation und Spezialisierung
  • Alternative Rendite-Risiko-Profile
  • Hochqualitatives Risikomanagement


InstitutsVergV – Disclosure of the remuneration system


QC Partners GmbH is an owner-managed, independent asset management company that offers institutional investors specialised investment products.


The company is not a major institution within the meaning of the German Remuneration Ordinance for Institutions (Institutsvergütungsverordnung – InstitutsVergV) as it does not meet the financial thresholds of section 17 (1) InstitutsVergV. Nor can the company be classified as a major institution under section 17 (3) InstitutsVergV, where an institution does not meet the financial thresholds but may still be classified as a major institution if this is necessary due to the institution’s remuneration structure and the nature, scale, complexity, risk content and international scope of its business activities. The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) did not classify the company as such in the financial year.


The annual salary of the employees and managing directors of QC Partners GmbH generally comprises a fixed remuneration component and, where applicable, variable remuneration components. The amount of an employee’s annual fixed remuneration is based on their position, level of experience and expertise. The amount of any variable remuneration is based on the Company’s performance and the individual employee’s agreed targets and performance assessment.


This means that the employees and the managing directors of QC Partners GmbH receive appropriate fixed remuneration for their work and that – insofar as any variable remuneration is paid – the principles of payment are aligned with the company’s strategic objectives, in particular the long-term profitability of the business.


Our remuneration system does not create incentives to take disproportionately high risks. Because of our low-risk business model, very few of our employees are risk owners.